Actually, I've had fellow guildmembers tell me that Hymn slows their medding
down also (along with Selo)
-----Original Message-----
From: Roop Dirump <
To: <>
Date: Saturday, June 19, 1999 9:21 PM
Subject: [eqbards] Jig and Mana Regeneration
>From: "Roop Dirump" <roop@...>
>Mana and the Jig O Vigor, true or rumor?
>Tonight with a group, one member complained about me negating his SoW, but
>had no accel going (sheesh was in the group three minutes and hadn't sung a
>note, besides why would I? They were campers). So I memorized Jig and
>played it, mentioning how I thought it was supposed to increase
>%15. The cleric informed me Jig was making his mana regenerate slower, he
>"should have been done by now." Far from it for me to play a song not
>wanted, forgot the Jig. After an easy battle and burnt mana, he told me,
>indeed, mana regenerates faster without any bard Jig. Then things became
>nasty, one fellow brought a train and I saved them all with a lullaby, and
>no accelerando might I add, and quite a haul to the zone. But they thought
>they were just good or lucky for all surviving that time and I didn't want
>to try explaining to them what I did, so I just camped! Got me a little
>irritated, just the remark that Jig was making them regenerate slower!?
>that's what got me.
>All I know--these folks were hostile towards bards, and the fellow who was
>the leader had to flee so I only met him briefly, perhaps he understood our
>usefulness better. When I hit a bad group I don't stick around, so I was
>with them maybe ten minutes tops, but perhaps I can't fault them from
>experiences I've had with fellow bard's I've grouped with--some bards just
>don't know what they're doing, this class takes some skill to wield with
>finesse. I was with a bard once who consistently played hymn when all
>health was full, and only used bellow in battle. That, now that, got me
>Er, back to my original question about Jig and Mana, sorry. Has anyone
>any definitive tests on this? With all my bard songs I have been able to
>"play around" with them enough, to my satisfaction, to understand O how
>work. This is the way I like things, dead reckonings hands-on kind of
>"feel" for how they work rather than really writing up numbers myself.
>Thing is, I studied way too much experimental methodology in school to
>really enjoy doing it when I'm playing, heheh. (Memories of torturing lab
>But I have no way to get an instinctive feel for this! DOES mana
>faster with Jig or not? Anyone really use a stopwatch with a buddy? My
>friends keep telling me they don't have stopwatches and have no time for
>testing. I know it doesn't make regeneration slower, that cleric tonight
>was just an arse, but I saved him anyway, fool didn't even realize it.
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