If I am not mistaken, you have no effect (ability wise) from losing a level.
All you appear to lose is: The ability to train in skills for that level,
all HP appropriate for that level, and gaining skill levels beyond what's
available to your current level.
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Maze <rmaze@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Friday, June 18, 1999 11:17
Subject: [eqbards] Losing a level
> From: "Robert Maze" <rmaze@...>
> Have to say this is one of the best lists that I have ever been on. Seems
> to me that most people here are actually adults. :) Anyway, enough
> on the back, I have a quick question. Just made level 16 last night
> in Crushbone. I got a few more kills for insurance sake and set off to
> the Ayre. Went to High Keep, got the song, scribed it, memorized it, and
> went back to Faydwer. My question is, what if I were to die enough to
> a level? Would I lose the song completely, just not be able to memorize
> or what? Haven't seen any discussion on this and was just wondering if
> anyone has experienced this yet.
> If you are on Veeshan give me a tell and say hi.
> Kurik
> 16th Bard
> Veeshan
> (No witty description for Kurik yet)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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