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Message ID: 21036
Date: Tue Aug 22 20:20:10 BST 2000
Author: Reeves, Patrick W
Subject: RE: [eqbards] RE: Anybody alive
Farewell Elijah.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elijah Meeker [mailto:emeeker@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 12:07 PM
> To: 'eqbards@egroups.com'
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] RE: Anybody alive
> Well, drat, this is a role call so I have to fess up.
> Tszaaz, Wood Elf Bard 35, Povar
> Tsengu, Wood Elf Bard 15, Nameless
> Orphe, half Elf Bard 18, Povar
> Tssaas, Iksar Warrior 12, Povar
> Crowshadow, Barbarian Shaman 10, Povar
> Vaem Teir'Dal Enchanter 10, Povar
> Vitaesaur, Iksar Shaman 3, Povar
> Tsengu, Teir'Dal Cleric 10, Rallos Zek, Champion of Dark Unity
> No longer are inspired by the soul of their creator, rather
> they all have a
> replacement soul, I wish them all well in their future endeavors.
> I am sad to report that I have handed my account off to a few
> friends, to
> carve up between them. My reasons are a bit personal, but it
> had nothing to
> do with EQ, I LOVE playing, I was very very excited about taking Orphe
> farther than I had gone with Tszaaz, but...it just isn't
> going to happen,
> nor will I be popping up in UO AC or Anarchy Online.
> Thank you all for this list, it totally changed my experience
> of playing EQ.
> The quality of the information and the maturity and
> positiveness of you all
> really made it a great place to be. Thank you all again.
> I won't be quitting the list until I hear what Ester
> discovers, because I
> just HAVE to know :o) but after that I will be fading away.
> Good luck to you all, keep your sheet music dry, swap in your
> weapons before
> melee and make sure you are clear which icon is Cindas
> Carillon and which is
> Kellins Lament...
> Tszaaz
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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