it's easy to pull singles from the ballroom. me and another guy cleared out
mistmoore. we'd clear to the maid/butler then go thru the graveyard and clear
out to the princess. 51 bard, 53 sk. i think you have to be 50+ or use harmony
liberally in order to pull singles.
At 05:29 PM 8/13/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Long ago someone posted a GREAT walkthrough of how to get the lutes
>including pulling from the ballroom without trainwreck. Does anyone
>(including the author) still have it? I would love to get it to some friends
>(44 Mage, 41 Druid) who died miserably there last night trying to get a
>lambent BP as a gift for someone.
>Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@... with the subject submissions.