I believe those 'charters' are everywhere in Norrath. For the 'Pain' and
'Suffering' is a close ally of 'Starvation'. Always ready to come to its
aid. And finish off any who fall under it warn blade...
Different songs will be more powerful when playing the instrument
prescribed in the songs description. Therefor all have a use, but if you
only use a few songs, then you only need the given one, unless you are happy
with the affects of just singing it.
- SnowLynx, Gentleman Bard of Freeport...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Murphy [mailto:zigmo@...]
> Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 11:50 AM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: [eqbards] Pain and Suffering
> From: Ian Murphy <zigmo@...>
> I have recently had all my worldly good stripped from me. Actually, they
> were on my corpse, way up in Everfrost Peaks, but having died in Qeynos
> Hills, I lost it.
> Taking this as a sign from the Gods, I decided to practice Hand-to-Hand
> attacking until I could generate more coin. Decided to truly live the life
> of an ascetic, I choose to fast. I hoped that I could "live on a song" and
> have Jaxon's Jig O' Vigor restore any stamina a lost due to starvation.
> This plan might have worked, but I zoned and the song ended and I
> forget to
> re-sing it. I cast it as I passed out and watched my stamina and health
> bars creep up and down near their midpoints. Eventually, I began to bleed
> to death. I don't know why, I guess starvation will do that to you. The
> Coup de Grace (sp?) was right before I died. I received a rather odd
> message. I left it at home, but the gist was:
> Pain and Suffering strike at YOU and miss
> Pain and Suffering strike at YOU and miss
> you died
> Whoah! Who are these Pain and Suffering beasties? They apparently live in
> the city of Qeynos, since that's where I was at the time.
> I've since decided that I should probably eat. As of this posting, Plastos
> is camped out under the Dock of Qeynos, wishing he had more food and some
> clothing. Tonight, the long climb back begins.
> Journeyman Plastos
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