I haven't played my bard since this thread came up, but I'm absolutely
positive that both my cleric's and my shaman's icons flashed before fading.
A warrior I was keeping buffs on even commented on it because when my
shaman's icons flashed I'd rebuff him then me. He thought I just had
amazing timing. ;^)
Evulia, bard of 11missed notes, Tunare
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adam Wasserman [mailto:wassermana@...]
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 11:25 AM
> To: 'eqbards@egroups.com'
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] Song Icon Bug
> I know for a fact that I used to get flashing icons, I
> remember thinking how
> different it was from my ranger to see constantly flashing
> icons ALL THE
> As for bard icons flashing, I don't care either way. But I DO want my
> regular buffs to flash before wearing off. I would be
> satisfied with several
> in particular:
> Enduring Breath
> Invisibility
> Invisibility to Undead
> Levitation
> Illusions (dark elf, erudite, iksar, and whatever other masks
> the make for
> us)
> All of these spells carry your our lives in their hands. If
> they break at
> the wrong time without us knowing it's coming, we are dead.
> The more I think
> about it, the more certain I'm going to post to the official
> boards, I just
> keep forgetting to test Kit's theory on the icons not
> flashing only when
> we're singing. Hopefully I'll remember tonight.
> *ties a string around his finger*
> Draelon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin L. Crawford [mailto:Lyrnia@...]
> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 11:16 AM
> To: eqbards@egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [eqbards] Song Icon Bug
> This is a REALLY late response but here goes:
> Bards don't get flashing icons and never have (to my
> knowledge). Our group
> members do. For a groupmate of a bard the icon will flash.
> For the bard
> it's on solid. TRUST ME you don't want flashing icons.
> Icons start to
> flash roughly 15 seconds before a spell effect wears off,
> this means our
> icons would ALWAYS flash since our song duration is shorter than the
> flash-warning time.
> Hope this helps
> Lyrnia
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