You could always turn it in at Rivervale for your Leatherfoot Raiders Cap, +
10 Cha, and I think AC4. It would be a better and easier item to sell. But
since it sounds like you are a bard, use it yourself, you can never have to
much Charisma.
P.S. If you want to sell either one, let me know. I am on Cazic-Thule and
would like to get the hat.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kimes, Dean W. [SMTP:Dean_Kimes@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 12:00 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: [eqbards] Dragoon Dirk (off topic somewhat?)
> Was curious what these are going for around Norrath as I acquired one from
> that little bugger Dvinn last night, and yes was actually accused of kill
> stealing by a warrior???´┐¢
> He asks for help, a dozen or so people happily dive in, 9 or 10 of them
> die and only he and I survive.´┐¢ And he couldn't keep up in damage with
> me?´┐¢ It was all too crazy to follow but I suspect he yelled for help, then
> ducked and hid while others croaked and tried to jump in once there were
> only a few people left and Dvinn was badly hurt.´┐¢ Since I was bellowing
> Dvinn didn't get around to me until there were just the two of us and I
> outlasted him by a bubble. Hah, my four bubbles evaporated ridding him of
> his last half a bubble.
> Anyhow, what are these things selling for?´┐¢ I may keep it as a memento but
> I really hate the way a dagger looks in your hands, a spear or scimitar is
> so much more intimidating.´┐¢ It is pretty cool though.
> ´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢ Kitasi
> ´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢ The mournful bard of Faydwer on E'ci
> ´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢ "and no one shall work for money,
> ´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢ and no one shall work for fame"
> ´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢ "but each for the joy of the working,´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢
> ´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢´┐¢ and each to his separate star..."