Windsong couldn't find any instruments, so the last time she was in
Freeport, she bought extras :(
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Cranfill, Wendy [mailto:Wendy_Cranfill@...]
>Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 7:47 AM
>To: ''
>Subject: [eqbards] Tiny Bubbles :)
>So, last night i was playing Tani in the Lake and grouped with someone
>whose main was a bard.... he kept requesting me to play Tiny Bubbles and i
>had NO clue what he was talking about. Later, the group explained to me
>that was the water breathing song... which I wanted to play but couldn't
>BECAUSE, I LOST MY Mino Horn :(...
>So my question is, is there anywhere in Kunark to buy instruments!!??!!!
>Its a sad day when a bard can't play requested songs (
>Halana 52nd Shaman-on-hiatus
>Tani 23rd Bardette-without-a-wind-instrument
>Solusek Ro
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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