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Message ID: 19516
Date: Wed Jun 7 22:20:21 BST 2000
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: [eqbards] A recap of the 6/6 patch.

heh heh no problem man. Tell everyone to hold off on mana and charm it. 18
seconds later you will never get it off ya. I even convinced our enchanter
he could play wizard when needed and nuke away cause one pulse of charm kept
the mob on me or the taunter for the rest of the fight.


A related issue with bards and rangers grouped together. I've been grouped
with rangers a lot recently using snare/fear in the Overthere. It works
quite well at taking down mobs with little risk to the group. The only
problem is that the ranger (high 30s) takes all the damage if the mob
resists fear and starts attacking us. I know the ranger is inflicting more
melee damage than me but the fear song is supposed to have a high taunt
factor. You would think that after hitting a mob with fear constantly over
several rounds I would piss them off some. Not so. In a bad combat with
multiple fear resists, the ranger will often be at half health while I will
still be at almost full health. I've even tried weaving in Hymn to try and
move myself up the hate list in order to get the mob to attack me and spread
out damage some. That doesn't work either. I can see why a lot of rangers
have been complaining about this recently. I guess its a step in the right
direction that they are getting a spell to move them down the hate list.
They probably need it a lot earlier than they are getting it though.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kimes, Dean W. [mailto:dean_kimes@...]
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 5:38 AM
To: 'eqbards@egroups.com'
Subject: RE: [eqbards] A recap of the 6/6 patch.

The new songs for hybrids referred to the Ranger hate lowering song I
believe. Wasn't aware any other hybrids got more songs.

Gotta love that one. They couldn't own up to the fact they screwed up by
not increasing the ranger defensive stats, so to save face they give Rangers
a spell to lower their hate list factor. So much for Symphonic Harmony
being unique to bards.

Kit the cynical

Why is it, all it takes is a patch where they don't tell us things that we
instantly find out anyway, to make me cynical once again.
There was also some talk last night of new hybrid spells available from
vendors. I checked our vendor in FV and no new songs. I suppose I'm not
being literal enough; I'd be nuts to confuse songs with 'spells', right? ;)


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