Kyle wrote:
> From: "Kyle" <ksibbald@...>
> I thought the same thing at first but I've seen strange things that would
> beg to differ. An example was when I was fighting something and was stacking
> Chords, Hymn, and Jonthan's in that order. Even though I did not see any
> wince message or orange flare the creature I was fighting died ('A
> <creature> dies.' not 'You have slain a <creature>.') from the Chords when
> Jonthan's was pulsing, two whole pulses after the 'signaled' one. I think
> Hymn will also heal throughout all three pulses as well. At least that's
> what I've noticed anyway.
I don't know why the creature you were fighting died, given the three songs you're
referring to.
As to the Hymn healing through all three pulses, I don't think so. I have not
verified this since beta, so there's always a chance it has changed, but as far as I
can tell you only get the increased heal effect whenever you see the actual words
"Your wounds begin to heal". This is easy to test though, and I'll check tonight.