i got my HBC last night and i am only up to 845AC. no defense raises in 54
either. you have two kickass earrings and one kickass ring, seems to be the
main difference between our AC. i am at 1556HP unbuffed now =)
and what's up with me? one month of play and i have never seen a bard
weapon drop.
and isn't the new exp in kunark dungeons just dreamy? =) big noticeable
Shada Powa, L54 Wood Elf Minstrel
Tyria Sarkin, L50 High Elf Wizard
<Afterlife> Mithaniel Marr Server
> Here's mine for comparison. Up to 859AC, no defense skill
> raises in level
> 54 yet, so consider me level 53 for AC purposes.
> http://www.dakor.net/profiles/pview.asp?x=34
> Elwyn <Da`Kor>
> Level 54 Minstel, Erollisi Marr