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Message ID: 1889
Date: Sun Jun 13 19:54:16 BST 1999
Author: Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas)
Subject: Re: Quick Q about Crystalline

i traded for it.

the only thing i have heard about where it is are rumors of the permafrost
king, or some other rare spawn in perma. before a couple of days ago it was
never seen, so i don't know if that is due to the recent patch itemizing
permafrost, or like you said that it took a 45+ group to get it.

Shada Silverleaf, Level 44 Bard, Mithaniel Marr

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Proteus [mailto:pr0teus@...]
> Sent: Sunday, June 13, 1999 11:38 AM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: [eqbards] Quick Q about Crystalline
> From: Proteus <pr0teus@...>
> I'm just curious as to whether you killed the NPC who wields
> the blade,
> or acquired it in some other way.
> And if you did slay the NPC, does it require a full party of
> lvl 45s and
> such?
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
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