There is no combine bastard sword for sale's a mythical item.
Your best bet is to buy a combine rapier, spear, or scimitar, or barring
that, a longsword.
Not wanting to open the can o' worms about mino axes and bastard swords, but
trust me, they are not good weapons. Sucker bets.
To maximize your dual wield skill, and to take fullest advantage of combat
songs, use weapons of 30 delay or lower. Sure, it looks impressive to hit
for 20 with a bastard sword or mino axe when you only hit for 14-16 with
another weapon. But it's as much as a full second and a half slower per
swing than the weapons I listed above..and they all have about the same
efficiency, give or take a few decimals.
Whenever weapons have similar efficiency but there's a wide variance in the
delay factor, you're best served to opt for the faster weapon. Quick and
dirty way to determine weapon efficiency is to divide the Damage by the
Delay. That number you can use to compare with other weapons.
Since dual wield checks to see if it goes off every swing cycle, more speed
means more chances to dual wield, netting a HUGE increase in damage over
time by using a faster weapon. HUGE.
----- Original Message -----
From: cltrhelm <cltrhelm@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 1999 1:46 AM
Subject: [eqbards] Not really Bard specific
>From: cltrhelm <cltrhelm@...>
>I am a 19th level Bard on Cazic-Thule. I have used many of the 1H
>slashing weapons and have become very fond of my 2 combined longswords.
>I was using the Mino Axe combo, but noticed that even though I did more
>damage per hit, I missed ALOT more than with my Combines. My question
>is this: Until I get some of the higher level 1H slashing MAGIC weapons
>(i.e. Demon Claw, Crys swords, etc.) I have been looking high and low
>for the Combined Bastard sword.
> I was informed at one time that it was only sold at the gypsy camp
>in Lavastorm MTNS, but I made a trip there today and they did not exists
>there. (the swords, not the camp). I have also visited the gypsy camp in
>Oasis and in one of the Karanas. Does anyone know of any other gypsy
>camps, or more specifically, the gypsy camp that sells the Combined
>Bastard sword?
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