Did my first Hate raid over the weekend. Killed Maestro 2 times, and i
missed him on Friday. Also Innoruk was killed Friday and Monday night.
They can be killed. All i did was to keep the party resistances buffed for
both mobs, and we (about 36-50 depending on night) won the fights with few
deaths. Not sure if anyone has said it yet, but the Evensong mace appears
to be the common drop, so keep up that 1hb skill! :)
Fflewdeur Fflamson, lvl 49, Cazic-Thule
>>>Btw, I would love to know when (and if) anyone takes out Maestro after
>the mid-week patch last week, and how it was done. The uber-players in
>my guild are of the opinion that he's been bumped to L63. Their
>consensus is that Cazic Thule is a pansy compared to the new improved
>Maestro. I'm sure this opinion has nothing to do with the fact that he
>smoked us twice. ;)
>Kenross Cantoforjado, 47 songs, Innoruuk, born cynic
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