> John Kim wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Apr 2000, Bill Costlow wrote:
> >
> > Are enchanter charm spells actually more effective
> > than bard charm songs? ...at least so far?
> They can last several minutes.
Actually, duration aside, I'd say our song is much more useful.... I can't
think of the last time I've grouped with an enchanter who actually charmed
something. The beating they take when it breaks is enuf to scare them off
the spell.
> > Also, on song ticks and damage...how many ticks are in
> > a combat round?
> There is no "combat round" per se. A tick is 6 seconds. A
> "combat round" depends on the speeds of your weapons.
I always thought of the 3 second pulse of our songs as a "tick"... as in
"Denon's DOT does 25 pts a tick with a 3 tick duration."
Darkfox Reven'tsol