Sounds fishy, since VI has stated it the past that no items would boost
skills in the that matter.
I believe they answered that when Gordon was asked if mechanical lockpicks
added anything to the lock pick skill and his answer was no and no items in
the game would add to a skill.
>From: "Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas)" <garramone@...>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: RE: [eqbards] Plane of Sky
>Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 14:44:21 -0400
>i wish i could find it but i can't now, but what i read from a guildmember
>of mine who says he spoke with some people at verant, is that all of the
>quest items have hidden stats that are not shown, so even though the stats
>may look bad, you are far more effective wearing any PoS item than not.
>i.e. even though the ranger cloak looks like crap, it can give you a 10%
>boost to your defense, secretly raising it to 220. sounds weird but just
>passing that along.
>we cleared pegs and KoS last night too, dunno our plans for today though,
>i'm at work or with my baby while they are up there in Sky. good luck!
>Shada Powa, L50 Wood Elf Bard
>Tyria Sarkin, L49 High Elf Wizard
><Afterlife> Mithaniel Marr Server
> > I'm looking forward to completing some of the higher tier
> > quests in pos.
> > Maybe the bard and cleric items won't be as crappy as the ranger ones.
> >
> > --
> > Miriana
> > Legions of Darkness
> > Innoruuk Server
> >
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