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Message ID: 1755
Date: Thu Jun 10 16:41:36 BST 1999
Author: cummingsj@xxxxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Bards N Plate and people's opinions
Hi, first time caller, long time listener (hehe).
I have one thing to say.. roleplay.. it is what you want to make (ie. 'roleplay'). If you are a wizard (or a bard in this case), you would generally not wear items such as platemail as it's weight and restrictivness in movement would hinder the caster's ability; however, it doesn't mean that they couldn't equip/wear the item, it just would introduce a possibilty of penalties (ie. more difficult to cast successfully through lower dex and lower agility). So to give my opinion, the bard should be allowed to where plate, if he / she wants.
There's my two coppers worth.
- Ruas the wandering bard
Republic of Freeport, Xegony