Here is a thought and a story, maybe even a partial solution. Perhaps the Mobs are
angry at you because you have been killing so many of their friends. I was in North
Karanas around levels 11 through 14 killing beetles with my party. We noticed an
odd effect which we called "Beetlejuice". It seems that after I had gone out to
fetch a dozen or so pincers, borers, and scythe bettles, that every beetle in the
zone became aggressive towards me, the fetching bard. Normally, these beetles are
not aggressive at all. Suddenly after fetching and killing lots of them, they all
become aggressive and they ALL start running across the entire zone to hunt me
down. I am not kidding. This happened. It was rather convenient, but eventually
became overwhelming. The solution, however, was easy. I just had to zone out and
back, and they were all passive again.
I have hunted in Crushbone and Befallen a lot, and I have noticed that I am a
preferred target, but not to the extent being reported in this thread. I have never
had a Thug ignore a party that was fighting it to come and fight me *if* I had not
done anything personal to it. I have also spent a lot of time in Derv camps in
Wcommons, NRO, and SRO. Perhaps you are just so succesful killing these mobs they
are developing a collective hatred for you<g>. Anyway, try zoning and coming back,
and good luck.
Narcissus of Povar
> I think you may not be witnessing the complaint here. At least some of us will
> be standing somewhere, farther away from mobs than other players, NOT singing,
> maybe not even in a group. Someone else attacks a mob. One or more mobs rush
> past the attacker and attack <me> the bard.