Harmony is better. But if you dont have a druid... (does anyone else think
the bard song should have been harmony and the druid spell lament? musical
connotations and all?)
You might try getting a charisma buff or some cha jewelry and see it you can
notice a difference. You are close to capping out at cha where it makes any
difference (100 seems to be the point where the returns are diminishing.)
Silk evening tunic you can buy from gypsy vendors in south qeynos. Dont buy
a crude stien - go to Ogguuk and loot one for free. Lots of dead bouncers
there and the high levels dont bother to loot the stiens.
Harmony is by design different: AOE, non-agro is resisted. Many bard
things are sometimes ok to use if you dont have the real thing.
> From: Bill Costlow <atlatyl@...>
> I've had a lot of trouble using Lugubrious Lament
> effectively. Maybe part of the problem is that I also
> play a druid and Harmony seems far superior to me, not
> only because it's AOE, but because it is resisted so
> seldom.
> I've heard from some bards that this is a great song,
> from others that it's useless.
> My charisma is currently 91 and I'm 14th lvl.
> Also, would someone have a better chance of using
> Lament holding a crude stein instead of a lute? I
> have a line on one of these but since I can't hold one
> and use an instrument at the same time, don't want to
> spend the money if it won't work.
> Tyunes of Rodcet Nife
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