At 10:05 AM 6/8/99 -0400, Benny Hung wrote:
>From: Benny Hung <benny@...>
>Nafai has written up a very nice petition about a lot of the bards'
>problems in the game. The petition is in the format of a topic and a
>chance for you to agree/disagree with that particular topic. I
>encourage all bards to read it and give feedback.
>This is the adress
>This is our chance if we want something done about our class.
I just submitted my take on the petition. I highly recommend that every
bard here do so as well, and push on any other bards that may not be here.
The petition is nicely done. The issues and suggestions are good ones.
As a chorus we sing louder than solo. This may be a way to get through to
the unresponsive ears in Verant.