Ouch, this certainly seems like a sticky situation...
> 1) Was getting stuck in the zone barrier a bug or what was supposed to
> happen?
No, that's definately a bug.
> 2) Since my corpse is right at the zone border, will I get stuck again if I
> try to retrieve it? Can I use the /corpse command underwater to pull my
> corpse away from the zone border?
You should be able to, but you have to be pretty close for this to work. You
will likely have to swim to the bottom for it to work.
> 3) Why did the locate song not lead me to the other player's corpse? My
> theory is that his corpse was not in the Butcherblock zone but in the Ocean
> of Tears zone. Will the locate corpse zone still point you in the right
> direction even if you are not in the same zone as the corpse you are looking
> for? If the other player's corpse was indeed in the Ocean of Tears zone
> then I guess the answer to this question is yes. If his corpse was in the
> Butcherblock zone then it makes the situation even more puzzling.
If the corpse was in the ocean of tears, your song would not have located it, so
the corpse is in the BB zone, but it sounds like it wasn't in the correct zone
space. This bug happened to a friend of mine once when he died due to a weird
treeform bug.
> 4) What is the most likely explanation for the character walking on the
> bottom of the ocean? Another player or just another bug?
That is really odd, since players do a swim animation when they are underwater.
It could have been an NPC, or perhaps a GM, but they swim when they are
underwater as well as far as I know.
> 5) At the time I drowned, there were no GMs online for me to /petition.
> Assuming one is online the next time I play, will they automatically
> retrieve my corpse for me since it is at the bottom of the ocean? I sure
> hope so because I don't relish the idea of having to go back to retrieve it.
GMs make no promises in this regard, but given the circumstances of your death
(including the bug involved) if you are patient a GM will likely help you. They
may not though.
Good luck,