When you enter Sol A, go down the lava bridge and around the path into the
room with the cracked wall. If you are a smaller race, you can duck down
and climb directly through the crack right into the room. If you go through
the door way in that room, you will see a pit with stairs and a door in
front of you and a hall to the left and to the right. The hall to the right
leads to a room in Sol A where there are no spawns known as the Safe Room,
AKA Rug Room, AKA Teddy Bear Room... Get there and you'll see why. It is an
extremely safe place to fight as you are quite literally next to a zone to
Sol B. Get in trouble, zone away. Send your puller off to get youngs,
cinders and flames and if you get a bad pull, zone away. Once you get
comfortable in Sol A, you can head in further to some of the other
challenges like the Foreman & Predator... then probably bar, captain,
efreeti, kindle, exg, torturer, king, lava elemental, etc... I quite
literally hunted in Sol A from levels 22 or so all the way up to level 37/38
and got enough stuff to get rich in the meantime. The loot in Sol A is also
incredible, drakehide leggins and sleeves, drakescale belts, impskin gloves,
foreman's tunic, obsidian scimitar and shard, chared guardian shield and bp,
platinum armbands, blackened iron, etc. Personally, I think it is the best
dungeon as far as appropriate loot given the amount of effort to get it.
Sure I did Najena, Unrest, MM, etc. during those levels too, but I always
came back to Sol A.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peck White [mailto:pwhite@...]
> Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 2:03 PM
> To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] Level 22 woes (or why Unrest STILL sucks) LONG
> From: Peck White <pwhite@...>
> No, it's not 'nuff said (for me anyway). :P
> What is the Sol A Safe Room?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Illian [mailto:jeff@...]
> Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 3:11 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] Level 22 woes (or why Unrest STILL sucks) LONG
> From: "Jeff Illian" <jeff@...>
> 4 words.
> Sol A Safe Room
> 'nuff said
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