On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Adam Wasserman wrote:
> I've recently aquired the much coveted (by me at least) charm song. I've
> done some limited experimenting, mostly on very light greens so that I can
> get the hang of it, however I'm finding the timing of this song to be
> something I just can't grasp.
> Generally I select a target, Charm, swtich targets and attack, Selo's, Hymn,
> they back to charm.
> Unfortunately, I seem to charm too early every single time, the mob breaks
> charm and I get beat on for a full cycle while I try to get charm going
> again.
Unfortunately, the exact timing depends on your ping time. For
most folks, that varies from playsession to playsession, so
you'll have to adapt to it each time. You may have to stick
in a short pause before starting charm, but the pause will
usually be consistent over the time you're charming a single
mob. When my ping times drop below 150 ms, I can consistently
get in 3 songs before having to recharm (equivalent to weaving
4 songs). Lately it's been up around 180ms, and trying to get
3 songs in gives the mobs too much time to reach me. So I
just pause a bit before the charm (one... two... charm).
Just be aware that because the server runs on a 6 second
heartbeat (I'm pretty sure), the timing for the first charm
will probably be different from subsequent charms. Also, if
charm is resisted or the mob breaks out early, the timing for
that charm cycle will be off again. Once you get a rhythm
going, it's pretty consistent though.
I suppose you could set up a metronome next to your computer
to figure the timing more precisely. :)
John H. Kim