But if you compare it to a potion (which costs a fortune) even 1 charge is
not bad as an emergency assist. Last time I looked at potions, a light heal
potion was 30pp! The squad ring heals 80hp(i think?) which is about the
same as the Heal spell.
Taelin, Songweavers of Kelethin
lostchild@... on 06/04/99 01:50:45 PM
Please respond to
cc: (bcc: Terry Chlebek/DPT)
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Interesting Benefit of Charismatic
From: Lost Child <
Some people are selling the squad ring, but it is a scam. Since if your
faction is not high enough to get the ring yourself in the first place, you
won't be able to recharge the ring or get a new ring once you used up the
one charge in the ring.
>so the next question would obviously be Why aren't people selling these
>things? I would think they would bring a hefty bit o change. Also if
>anyone knows I have worked my faction with the Guardians of the Vale up to
>kindly, am I getting even close?
>thanks for all the money suggestions. the snake complaint was a side ref
>the fact that used to be anytime someone in Qeynos asked how they could
>make money a bunch of people would shout 'kill snakes'
>also saw no mention of tailoring getting any tweaking in the new patch.
>Wonder why? we already have zillions of smiths but who's ever seen
>reinforced leather, much les studded being auctioned?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Kim [mailto:kim@...]
>Sent: Friday, June 04, 1999 9:55 AM
>To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] Interesting Benefit of Charismatic Carralion
>From: John Kim <kim@...>
>On Fri, 4 Jun 1999, Kimes, Dean W. wrote:
> >
> > I thought the [squad] ring was no drop no sell no dup?
>It's a lore item. You can only have one in your possession or
>in the bank at a time. You can drop or trade it (I bought one
>for testing a while back, and found another on the ground with
>a different character - apparently left by someone who didn't
>know they could be recharged).
>John H. Kim
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