The mana using song (And that's the one I refered to a while back) was
planned on being an AOE Direct Damage song, doing 400 damage to up to four
The catch was, it used almost all the mana a typical bard of that level
(42+) would have. Since bards don't get meditate, even with Clarity it
would take a long while before the bard was able to sing that song again.
Essentially, it's not a song, it's a spell, in the conventional sense.
Why this restriction? Bards are not meant to be nukers. This is a last
ditch, use it when the chips are down, make or break, type of song. At that
level range, 400 damage isn't a whole lot, any caster worth his salt can do
that with a quarter bar of mana. This is a way to give a bard some higher
level punch, without drastically changing the face of the class.
----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Dickens <briandickens@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 04, 1999 9:00 AM
Subject: [eqbards] Mana for Songs?
>From: Brian Dickens <briandickens@...>
>Was this change even implemented on the test server yet? If so, does
>anyone play on the test server? I am curious to find out what songs
>they would make require mana.
>On a different note, would any of the bards here who play on
>Cazic-Thule be interested in starting some sort of bard's guild? Just
>an idea.
>Travelling Trouvere
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