I understood your context. Still don't agree with it though. As a class,
bards have complained far and away less than all the other classes. I think
thats why when we did complain about a few important issues, Verant listened
to us and for the most part agreed, hence the recent upgrades to the class.
Some people believe in the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" philosophy.
Others believe in the "don't cry wolf" philosophy (i.e. don't raise a stink
unless its legitimate). Who knows which is the best way when it comes to
getting something out of Verant. The recent necro rants fall under the
first category. I think the bard complaints fall under the second category.
Galtin of E'ci
> >
> > As to your statement about "constantly complaining bards" I think you
> are
> > totally off base.
> I never said we are constantly complaining bards, if you check the
> context,
> I wondered if that is what Verant sees us as. When one is complained to
> often enough they may get frustrated and see someone like that
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