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Message ID: 14291
Date: Thu Feb 3 22:02:52 GMT 2000
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Patch Message

OK after reading 5-6 posts from people all saying the same thing I get the
picture. I still think that the 24 song for the most part is now useless.

1) OK long range ultravision is nice but at 24th level and beyond how many
players with normal vision need it? By then they have long had an alternate
light source (i.e. Lightstone) that they can use. Granted it might help
while the party is running across a zone but since most playtime is spent
camping group members are generally close to one another and therefore don't
require long range vision. Human bards are probably the only race that
might need that song but how many human bards are even out there?

2) Grouping with pet classes. You have to consider the times when see
invisibility is used in a dungeon. Most of the time its used in conjunction
with invis to get from the zone to wherever you want to camp (and vice
versa) and bypass all the mobs along the way. If you need to invis to get
there, then pet classes shouldn't summon their pet until they get to where
they are camping. Bottom line is that for the most part invis and see invis
are used in conjuction with one another and therefore the pet is gonna die
anyway. Only situations where I can see using see invis without invis is if
you know a mob buffs himself with invis or if you think another group is
invis and might KS from you. If thats the case just have one of the casters
cast the see invis and free up one of your song slots.

Bottom line is that Clouding now performs the same primary function as the
level 24 song so IMO it would be nice if they gave us a new 24 song that we
could actually use on a regular occasion.

Galtin of E'ci

> That song grants Ultravision + see invis (L24), and still has value.
> What if you are in a group with a shaman, necromancer, or mage but want
> to sing party see invis? Are you going to kill their pets with your
> invis song to do it? You get the picture. ;)
> They did a nice job of giving our invis song a huge bonus which was
> sorely needed, let's not complain about the fact that we now have 2
> songs that grant us this highly desirable (in my opinion) ability.