>From: "Reece, Tom CPT - 30th Signal Bn" <ReeceT@...>
>Reply-To: eqbards@onelist.com
>To: EQBards <eqbards@onelist.com>
>Subject: [eqbards] Using the Lament song + a minor rant
>Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 14:40:11 -1000
>After the initials battles, my party thanked me for using the Lament
>They all stated they had grouped with bards before and had never seen the
>song used in the manner I had used it. I thought that was odd because I
>heard about the trick from this forum so assumed a lot of other people used
>it frequently.
>So what's the point of this post? Well, the bard community needs to
>the other classes on everything that we can do for a party. A lot of other
>players seem to think that our main purpose in a group is to play Selo,
>Hymn, Anthem, and at higher levels, Mana regen. I'm only 13th level but
>I've learned there is a lot more to it than that.
>If anyone else knows of similar tactics that only a bard can perform I
>like to hear about them also.
Well, now that the song works in commercial I love it. Lament is THE song
for camp control, and it keeps clerics from having to expend mana using
their lull spell.
I also find Lullaby incredibly useful when you're in an area full of blue
monsters when you are really looking to pull white or better for your party.
This happens alot in the orc pits in Oasis (the area near the lake, also
near the dervish camp where numerous orc warriors/priests can be found).
Whenever I can' find anything harder to fight I will usually speed around
bellowing on at least 2 but sometimes up to 4 blue orcs and bring them back
to my party waiting at the lake shore. When the orcs arrive I sleep them
with Lullaby, attack, and my party /assists me.
>Now for the rant
>After we cleared out the initial cutthroats, we were pretty much able to
>take them on one by one from that point on until we ran into a stumbling
>block. Here is what happened. The paladin, the ranger and myself, aided
>the Anthem could easily handle one cutthroat at a time. However, our
>insisted on expending his mana with direct damage spells even though the
>tanks were whittling down the cutthroat without taking that much damage.
>The damage we were taking could quickly be healed via the Hymn after the
>combat was over. What eventually happened was that the fully healed tanks
>ended up standing around while the wizard meditated. In the meantime, the
>camp fully respawned. This time, however, there were 3 mages plus a couple
>of thugs. I tried the Lament trick again but a mage resisted and everyone
>got waxed except the wizard, who gated.
>I don't like telling other people how to play their character but how do
>handle a magic user who insists on wasting his mana? The group leader kept
>telling him to save mana but it didn't do any good. I can see using one
>direct damage spell to help the combat but he would continue spellcasting
>once the cutthroat started to flee. At this point, no one was in any
>because the cutthroat was fighting back. He created a lot of needless
>downtime by his actions. Any other recommendation other than finding a
>different group to adventure with?
This is clearly situation that the group leader should have taken control
of. If I was leading the party and something he was doing was disagreeable
with me and the rest of my party I would warn him. If he didn't switch his
tactics, I'd boot him. Simple. I did this to a guy who kept jumping every
fallen orc we killed at Crusbone and taking all the loot. I told him we are
doing a loot order, period - stop jumping the loot, or I would kick him, and
that he wasn't going to make many friends doing that.. I guess he didn't
believe me. You should've seen how fast he looted shit. Before the orc hit
the ground he was bending down to loot. BOOT, gone, cya. Of course he
apologized profusely after I kicked him, while i was advertising for a
Sartori D'Elsiraad
Bard of Kelethin of the 16th Chorus
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