Yes, and what tiny - itsy bitsty wheenie little beginnings of 'trade' would
also be totally and finally destroyed.
No drop is an extremely lazy bandaid on the problem.
At 02:03 PM 1/28/00 -0500, you wrote:
>From: Papa Legba <legba@...>
>As an aside I wouldn't mind if they made all dropped items no drop.
>Farming would be no more. Everyone would earn their own items. THis
>way there would be little trouble with lvl 50's coming blitzing through
>dungeons. It still would happen (if they needed a certain item for
>themself), but would not be common.
>This is coming from a player who has benefited greatly from (re)starting
>the game late in the cycle, thus having equipment well beyond my level
>capability. (I am a 17 bard is as much bronze as I can wear, BS mantle,
>fs spear, dwarven mace, tent whipe, jagged bands). I would not mind
>giving that all up for banded/lether a combine sword (which I've made
>plently of money to buy had I wanted one)... In fact sometime i think I
>should have started on a new server since I wouldn't have the option to
>get this stuff...
>We now return to the non-stop rock.
>Matt DeBarger
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