Darkness is resisted 40% of the time roughly because it also snared to the
taget. Not to mention it takes two minutes to do a mere 800 damage which is
nothing and considering the mana cost it's hardly worth it 300 mana for a
800 damage spell. 300 mana for bod to. Considering that a warrior with a
mith two hander can do at least a good 1000 or so in a fight it's hardly
worth it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kimes, Dean W. <
To: '
eqbards@onelist.com' <
Date: Friday, January 28, 2000 3:21 PM
Subject: RE: [eqbards] PoA bard quests plus a rant
>From: "Kimes, Dean W." <Dean_Kimes@...>
>What's wrong with your top of the line Creeping Darkness line spell? I
>would think that combined with Bond of death would be fairly devastating.
>Combined with the power of Necro pets its obscene. Your two DoT's and pet
>will outdamage just about any warrior even without the Ignite spell thrown
> Kit
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Naeeldar [mailto:jackal@...]
>Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 6:30 PM
>To: eqbards@onelist.com
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] PoA bard quests plus a rant
>From: "Naeeldar" <jackal@...>
>Heh actually giants are harder then sea furies. There is a little unknown
>fact about them but sinced they nerfed the exp I guess I can let it out.
>Sea furies are just cyclops with a new name. At first they dropped the same
>words a normal cyclops did. Verant forgot to upgrade the ac and attack
>rating heh.
>In other words I'm not talking about resisted I'm saying a necro without a
>pet unless fighting undead is basically uselss. The dots take way to long
>high levels excluding planes to be of use. The only thing that it helps
>mildly with is the ghoul lord which has about 10k hp but even then they
>do half to 3/4 damage. Besides the fact that the only real good dot besides
>lifetap is heat based which means you can't use it in half of the high
>zones and as it is don't ask me why but high level mobs in general are more
>resistable to heat spells then cold. Why do you think high level druids
>complained that they couldn't use any dd spells because they were all fire
>based and now have a cold based spell? Simple fact of the matter is that
>without a pet I'm useless in a group unless in the planes or fighting
>undead. I can't nuke, I can't dot because they are extremly slow unlike the
>shaman poison dots which work in 40 seconds. I can't heal very well. So
>can I do? Use a kick ass pet that takes a lot of work to use.
>P.S. Why repond to this but skip over my test report post?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: kim@... <kim@...>
>To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
>Date: Thursday, January 27, 2000 8:20 PM
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] PoA bard quests plus a rant
>>From: <kim@...>
>>On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Naeeldar wrote:
>>> The classes are balanced though!!! Every class has it's purpose and the
>>Each class having a purpose != balance.
>>> will get resisted. The dots take over 2 minutes to use so basically I
>>> pet left over and a undead nuke spell. So basically if I'm not hunting
>>You prove my point. You feel since your DoTs take over 2
>>minutes (and fights are usually much shorter), it's useless in
>>a group. Melee attacks are basically DoTs. Melee classes
>>don't have the pets or nukes which you feel are your primary
>>contribution to a group. How do you think they feel? Sure
>>they can tank, but you've said you can take seafury cyclopses
>>solo (presumably with your pet tanking), so obviously your pet
>>can tank just as well as them if not better (green giants will
>>eat most melee classes solo, much less the seafuries).
>>John H. Kim
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