On Fri, 28 Jan 2000, Rokenn Swiftsong wrote:
> >From: "Sylly Songsynger" <jgs@...>
> >
> >Hehe, a rat in North Qeynos killed me. Two times! I gave up! How did I
> >ever get 43 levels? My god!
> Did you remember to equip your weapon Sylly? :)
I started up a monk as part of a guild newbie event. Since
the event was in Misty Thicket, it was recommended that we get
up to level 3 before making the trip. In just under an hour,
I had to run from a half dozen rats, bats, and snakes without
getting any kills. I've started 2 other monks on different
servers, and I couldn't remember ever having this much trouble
getting out of level 1.
Then as I was attacking another rat, I got the following
You have become better at hand to hand(1)
Doh! After that I was punching for 7-8 instead of 1. :)
John H. Kim