What is truly scary here is that it took them until 01-25-2000 to walk
across the office and ask some people who _play_ bards!!!
GZ plays a bard but has his "own" version of the client - now that's gotta
give him a really good idea of what's going on. And keep your eyes open for
that ranger with the Soulfire and Ring of Invunerability with a full party
crawling from room to room in Sol-A. "Ahh yes, the way it's supposed to be
Somewhat cynical yes,
p.s. here's what happens if you play songs while your puller pulls:
----- Original Message -----
From: Rokenn Swiftsong <rokenn@...>
To: <EQBards@onelist.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 4:28 PM
Subject: [eqbards] OMG! Abashi changes his tune
> From: "Rokenn Swiftsong" <rokenn@...>
> Hot off the Sony MB!
> Abashi
> Station Member posted 01-25-2000 05:23 PM
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> After reviewing this thread as well as some others on the other boards,
> chatting with some of our inhouse people that play bards (we have several
> those), we've decided to decrease the taunt factor of the bard songs.