Ummm Josh..
The waddling elves.. or rather the waddling bards.. IS the animation fix.
The surfing was what we used to do and what most bards actually liked
On Wed, 26 Jan 2000 10:03:06 -0500 wrote:
> From: "Joshua R. Moore" <josh@...>
> Got this off casters realm. Yay! no more waddling elves
> Whilst no reason has been given for the patch done late last night, a
> number of things have emerged from it.
> Crippling Force is now in as a special for the Warrior class. It works like
> critical hits and randomly goes off for what appears to be simply some
> bonus damage (+25 at level 50).
> Bards have had an animation fix and now sing while running instead of
> gliding across the land while playing their instruments.
> The SB Live fix went in, although it is apparently dependent on also having
> the latest SB Live drivers.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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