On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, Rokenn Swiftsong wrote:
> >
> >UGuk is a lot bigger than most people think. There are vast
> >areas full of shin warriors and knights most of which will
> >give experience up to about 40.
> Aye one of the best nights I have had in EQ was a 3 person group (me(31) ,
> palidan(32), and a cleric(29).) in Upper Guk. We formed up in the Warden
You have another bard? :)
> room. Then dungeon crawled all the way to waterfall zone line into lower
> guk. Finished the night doing the 3 live frogs in lower just off the water
> fall. It was great to play the game that John & Bard said they wanted to
> provide :)
Yeah. After you play this way a few times, you realize the
"long" respawn times are not there to aggravate the campers.
They're there to give dungeon crawlers enough time to
recuperate and make progress without having to worry about
stuff they've killed respawning behind them. It's a lot of
fun, but sadly impossible once you get to about level 40.
John H. Kim