I'm afraid I've already "trashed" the previous mails, but no, I responded to
Naeeldar's email (or at least I thought I did, I had zero sleep last night
and sadly, it was because of work, not Everquest) that this is specific to
bard's singing.
But I thought there was a message that came out shortly after my initial
reply that they said they proc'd fine. Was that the Ogre bouncer person or
something? Ah well. Sorry, I don't remember, but I'm with you! I think
there's a problem with it. I'll get more time to play around with it
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4 [mailto:g4mntofcr@...]
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 12:25 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: [eqbards] Post Patch Procing
> From: "Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>
> If you were referring to the previous post by Naeeldar about
> procs still
> working as expected then it doesn't apply. He was referrring
> to procs with
> his necro and not his bard. I think every bard who has
> posted has noticed a
> decrease in procs after the patch.
> Galtin of E'ci
> > It was suggested that our songs may be preventing items
> from procing, but
> > we've receive a report to the contrary of that.
> >
> > Windleaf
> >
> >
> >
> > > I've actually noticed a increase. I was dueling a warrior on
> > > my necro for
> > > the heck of it and in duels procs are a lot more rare we'll
> > > her obstenate
> > > claymore proced like mado n me and my pet heh was interesting.
> > >
> > > Naeeldar
> > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >I'm not too concerned yet, but did anyone else playing last
> > > night notice a
> > > >staggering drop in the number of procs that their weapons
> > > are firing?
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