On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Kenneth E. Bachman wrote:
> 1) Am I mistaken, or is it impossible to actually have all of our
> skills set up on buttons? I have eight ability-only skills now which
> require buttons to use them. I think I can only set up six at once?
Yup, you can only have 6 ability-only skills up at once (used
to be a big complaint with monks).
> 3) What does it mean to have a lower/higher Hide skill level? It
> *appears* to work perfectly each time. I hit the button, I disappear.
> Does skill level determine the length of time that it works? Or whether
> the MOBs can see you anyway? Or anything else at all?
I think your skill level just determines your chance of
success. Whether or not you're really hidden seem to depend
on the level of the mob and a random factor. I've succeeded
at hiding, had a green mob turn indifferent while a blue one
was still amiable. I then hid again and both were
You will always disappear from your POV while using this
skill, whether it succeeds or fails.
> 4) Is there any way to know whether Sneak actually worked or not?
> Other than trying to move and estimating based on your walking speed?
> What does Sneak do? Is it just a mobile Hide? Why do we have Hide
> then, when you could Sneak and stand still?
It's like a mobile hide, except it only works in approximately
a 270 degree region away from the direction a mob is facing.
e.g. If a "ready to attack" mob is facing you and you
successfully sneak (and the mob can be snuck against :), it
will still be 'ready to attack." But if you move 45 degrees
in either direction, it will change to indifferent.
> 5) Are they getting rid of Instill Doubt? Has anyone ever trained a
> point in this skill?
It will work once in a blue moon. I heard it's more
consistent at 100 skill, but at 45ish skill I only expect it
to work about once a night. It is less reliable that Screech,
but is targeted and has a longer duration.
> 6) Begging 77 now, never got more than a copper (well, I seem to recall
> having received a silver piece once, but I may be deluded), although I
I've gotten a silver as well once. Skill is in the low 40s.
John H. Kim