From how you describe the situation, I would guess that you were unknowingly
using an exploit. I imagine the other Bard was one of the one's on the
steps? (I'm not sure I'd call it an exploit, tho, since I believe the word
"exploit" implies "intent" :)
It's unfortunate that Verant can't fix this pathing bug, even though they've
known of it for a long time now. It does make it impossible to fight in the
temple if attacked without exploiting unless every member of your group
stands within melee range. Obviously this is impractical. I've never
camped with a group in the halls for this reason alone. Pulling to the
bottom or pulling to the top seem to be the only ways around this. It's the
players who knowingly camp the halls and abuse the bug that bother me. 1
wizard and 1 mage (w/o pet) standing in the corner nuking a mob standing on
the stairs are definately "knowingly" using the exploit. 3 tanks engaging a
mob in the hallway and 1 cleric standing behind are technically exploiting
in that the cleric could never possibly be attacked, but may not be
knowingly abusing the bug. While they might wonder why the cleric is not
getting attacked, if it was their first time there, they would really have
no way of knowing. This is the reason I jumped in this thread in the first
place. To educate anyone who did not know of this bug, so they would know
what they were doing if and when the situation came up.
Darkfox Reven'tsol
> I'm the one who started this thread when I told my story about using
> to put 10 mobs to sleep while my group was fighting on the steps at the
> of the pyramid. In short, when my party got to the top of the temple
> (invis), there was a full spawn of mobs waiting for us. For the duration
> the fight, I stayed at the bottom of the steps playing Lullaby while the
> tanks and the other bard were on the steps meleeing the mobs. Even though
> was playing Lullaby non-stop, I rarely got attacked during the duration of
> the battle. However, the three people on the steps did. The other bard,
> who was weaving anthem, lullaby and hymn, was the only person who got beat
> up really bad.
> After reading all the posts about the Cazic exploit, I'm trying to figure
> out if the reason I didn't take any damage was because either 1) I was
> unknowingly using an exploit (I wasn't on the steps and as a result could
> not get attacked) or 2) the mobs didn't attack me because there was a
> level bard also pissing them off with Lullaby and hymn.
> Galtin of E'ci