Taken from that perspective (which I didn't) then I would agree that the
price would skyrocket.
Galtin of E'ci
> I almost made this same point, but then realized that the seller's almost
> hidden implication was that the Ykeshas that had dropped prior to the
> patch
> would remain equippable by classes other than WAR (highly likely) and that
> *those* ykesha's prices would shoot through the roof.
> He's still wrong though. :)
> >
> > I'd tell this guy he needs to retake his ECON 101 class so he fully
> > understood the laws of supply/demand. If Verant were to change the
> Ykesha
> > to where only warriors could equip it (and they publicly said
> > they weren't),
> > then the demand would drop drastically. Only a stupid warrior
> > would pay 10K
> > for them at that point.
> >
> > Galtin of E'ci
> >
> >
> > > He also told me his Ykesha was only for trade for 10kpp worth
> > of loot but
> > > that he was planning on probably holding on to it until after Verant
> > > "makes
> > > the patch that changes the Ykesha to a warrior only weapon" and
> > the price
> > > "goes through the roof".