At 03:51 PM 1/13/00 -0600, you wrote:
>From: "J L Smith" <slider@...>
>Hey, Slyde. Perfect name for your bard. ;) I play T-Bone in RL as well (if
>my e-mail address didn't give it away).
>Q: What's the definition of an optimist?
>A: A trombonist with a resume
>What kinda axe you got? Me - New Bach 36B with open-wrap F-attachment. Also
>have a 30 yr. old Conn 88H with red brass bell. And, of course, my original
>Bundy pea-shooter. :p
That's bizarre - utterly off-topic information that totally belongs here.
Go fig....
P.S. Consider the "binding" thread Kabong'd in case you didn't know
already.... ;)