Supposedly Mayong Mistmoore hates bards with a passion. He's probably
killed quite a few over the years and collected their instruments as
trophies. If a player kills Mayong, there might be a chance he drops
Kelin's lute or the small brass trumpet as part of the loot. Mayong is
supposedly in the game, but you can't get to him because of pathing problems
and therefore can't kill him. So technically these magic instruments are
"in the game", but no one can ever obtain them.
This is just blind speculation on my part but wouldn't it be tremendously
ironic if it were true:-)
Galtin of E'ci
> Many thanks for the praise. I haven't seen any clues to either of these
> items. Of course it could well be like the component for the summon
> corpse
> spell started out. They should be in the game, but if GZ even has a
> different client than every live person out there, chances are there a lot
> more things they think they put in that never made it to the live servers.
> I'll redouble my efforts in looking for them but none of the usual suspect
> merchants have them. maybe if you do one of the quests 30 times you will
> get one of them.
> Kitasi
> Of all the people I know on E'ci, Kitasi has done more quests than anyone
> else. If he hasn't gotten any clues yet about these instruments, then I'm
> inclined to believe that they fall into the Fiery Avenger category.
> > As anothe side note, GZ said that Kelin's practice lute and the small
> > brass
> > trumpet are both in the game, you just have to look hard.
> >
> > Is this another Fiery avenger? I have noticed that a few wierd people
> sell
> >
> > bardic instruments (Krak in South Karana??) so maybe you need good
> faction
> >
> > with some of them to get a quest?