I wonder if enchanters have the same problems with their enthrall series of
spells that we do with lullaby and pixie? When enchanters cast a mezmerize
on a high level mob and get a success message, do the mobs sometimes
continue to attack them? I've never heard one enchanter complain that this
was happening to them. Based on what GZ says, you would think the rules for
bards and enchanters would be the same for enthrall spell series and
Galtin of E'ci
> ***GZ SAYS***
> As most high level enchanters from Beta+ can tell you, there are two
> saving
> throws that happen with an "Enthrall" style effect (such as Kelin's Lucid
> Lullaby) hits a creature. The first saving throw is against the target's
> Magic Resistance. The second saving throw only happens with high level
> monsters - they get a secondary save based on their level. The reason for
> this is that the Enthrall effect is very, very powerful - it allows a
> single
> player to remove a creature from combat. This means that a party that
> could
> handle two "X" level mobs might be able to take three, or even four of
> them
> on if there is somebody around with the Enthrall effect.
> Because of this (read game balance) higher level monsters have a harder
> time
> being enthralled. At lower levels, a single player can take out a single
> opponent of equal level. By mid levels this is much harder, and by high
> levels it is virtually impossible. Allowing a single player to remove one
> or
> more creatures from combat at high levels is sick level powerful - to the
> point that we designed an entire classes specialty around doing it.
> The second saving throw does not send a message the environment - and that
> is something that is on our list of issues to address. There are, however,
> no bugs with the Song.