On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Kimes, Dean W. wrote:
> The weapon is nice for clerics who want to sit back and enjoy the +10MR and
> only occasionally melee. Also, the faction hit isn't particularly
> important. I killed the renegade Trumpy many times and am still only
> dubious to the corrupt guards. Since I don't want to have anything to do
> with the corrupt guards anyhow, that's a plus in my book. Also killing
> Trumpy raises your faction with merchants, not lowers it.
Hmm, are you sure on that last bit? I used to be amiable with
the merchants there. Then I camped in Cazic and got hit by
that bug that reset some of my factions and I was back to
dubious with them, but they'd still sell to me. I was grouped
with a friend who was KOS to Trumpy, and we ran into this bug.
Trumpy and a friend came charging up the dock and my friends
casually killed them both. Since I was playing Clarity at the
time, I took the faction hits. The merchants wouldn't sell to
me after that.
John H. Kim