> Anyway, my point, I guess is that while I AGREE personally
> that a shaman should Togors before DOTing, DOTing takes less mana and is
> much faster casting...and sometimes the malise is worth it on high resistant
> mobs if it helps the casters do full damage instead of 12.
You've also got to take into account the monster being fought.
Monster analysis: Lava Duct Crawler.
hp.......: several thousands.
attack...: double, kick, bash
dmg......: 110 max dmg, average 80.
special..: blood boil, hundreds of hp dot.
This thing will (pardon the abbrev) F you up big time if you let it.
And that's the key: 'If you let it.' These things must absolutely
be stunned or slowed down first. Malaising this thing and putting a
poison DoT on it only gonna piss it off and it's still gonna be
pounding the crap out of someone. We had a cleric for healing,
the shaman would be more efficient as a buff and debuff tool imo.
Party dynamics and monster randomness create many different
scenarios which you, the bard or enchanter, need to pick up
on and adapt quickly to. Having the shaman finish at 20m and
the cleric at 80m creates downtime. I try to (and this is tough)
based on the mob fought and group makeup, determine the best
role for everyone. Am I perfect at it? No way. But it helps
everyone in the long run if they try things out. I am always
open to suggestions, although I usually receive very little
input. (Due to the more commanding role maybe?) I am always
on the ball when I play, so much so that people are like can
you please play the manasong... and I'm like that's what you've
been hearing for the last 5 mins <g>. Some people just cannot
keep up with us sometimes. ;)