On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, JasonF wrote:
> control. We were so successful that we cleared all the way from the Sav
> room to the Greater Ice Bone Skeletons (GIBS) and started pulling those.
> After having to alternately Pixie Strike two GIBS during a 10+ minute battle
> and having resists and missed notes allow them break out and freeze me from
> time to time I decided I'd dust off Lullaby and try it. Heh. Never again.
> I didn't die thanks to the Cleric and Shaman, but Lullaby had virtually no
> effect other than Taunt. If they're mezzed with Lullaby, it's so brief as
With the GIBs, what I found works well is Elemental + Guardian
+ Lullaby. It's close though - straight Lullaby, stopping and
starting it after each nods message is almost as good (my chr
is 140). But after doing it many times, I've decided the
chances of a critical failure (GIBs get several spells off for
max damage on the same person in succession) make the first
method better. ER and GR keep the spell damage to a minimum,
and the one shot of Lullaby sometimes does keep 1-4 GIBs
asleep for a bit (yes, we've done all 5 at once many times).
Since their spells seem to be cold based, I need to try ER +
Lullaby + Lullaby some time. The one bad thing about having a
Mistmoore drum is that you prefer ER to Psalm of Warmth (both
have the same cold resist boost if you use a normal drum with
ER, but a Mistmoore drum makes ER better since Psalm is sung).
If they provided equal cold resist, it'd be clear that I
should jump in with my weapons, or use a lute with Lullaby.
> to be negligible. GZ would probably remind me that "higher level mobs have
> a greater chance of resisting", which is fine I suppose, but damn - give me
> resist messages.
That's why it's a bug (statements by GZ notwithstanding).
Either you should get a resist message, or the mobs should be
affected by it.
John H. Kim