Actually, you just struck upon an important point. The last 3 stones that I
have bought were NOT from the person that killed the HG/SG/Griffon or
whatever, but instead by some wanderer that happen to see an unlooted
These things are being left to rot because you can only have one at a time
and they just aren't worth the time to sell them before killing your next
HG/SG/Griffon etc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: silky@... [mailto:silky@...]
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 12:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [eqbards] Lambent Stones on E'ci
> From: silky@...
> Good grief - I'd expect this type of answer (generically) from a wizard,
> but not a bard.
> Is the ONLY thing you look at your profit margin? I am first and
> foremost a
> merchant - but jeeze, I spend a LOT of time makin things that folks NEED -
> sometimes even at a personal loss.
> If you consider it a waste of time to help someone - with the ONE item you
> know is required in abundance for an armor quest - well, what can
> I say. If
> you wanna be nice - give them away - if you wanna make them work some for
> it, charge them a modest amount. Hell, I can make wu's gaunlets (barely)
> now - but I still make patchwork if someone needs it. Am I supposed to
> charge an arm and leg for it because 2-5g a pop is peanuts for me now?
> Whether I am lvl 1, 25 or 50 - I do share the world with others. My
> personal passion happens to be getting joy from helping others with their
> needs.
> This really isn't meant to be a flame - but it struck me odd that you'd
> think you were 'wasting' your time.
> At 01:13 PM 12/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >From: Dave Gaines <dave@...>
> >
> >> Yes you may get the occasional butthead with money to burn who
> will throw
> >> 100pp+, but I think these people are few and far between-hang
> in there, and
> >> make friends.
> >
> >I don't think its fair at all to call someone a butthead because they can
> >pay more for items.
> >
> >Pay what you want, lambent stones sell for 3pp in the shop. It is
> >a major waste of my wizard's time to sell these for 10-20pp to people,
> >when the average HG drops 30pp, why waste 10 minutes moving through zones
> >trying to sell for only 7-17pp gain, I could just kill another HG.
> >
> >You have to remember, people that are looting lambent stones are usually
> >level 30-45, and most of them don't consider it worth their time
> >to sell an item to a player for 20pp.
> >
> >Razzan the Wizard
> >Ludvaraman the Bard
> >
> >>Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
> with the subject submissions.
> >
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
> lol@... with the subject submissions.