Hey... That's a good idea. I'll try and test this tonight since I'm in CT.
However, I know there have been times when I was Clouded and something
popped in next to me and didn't see me. One example I can offer is in the
little alcove in Mistmoore. A few times there have been trains in Mistmoore
(say it ain't so!) that I threw invis up for. While we were waiting on the
backwash mobs popped in around us without attacking. But it's still a good
theory worth investigating.
> From: Jason Rochelle <Jasroc@...>
> I have a theory about Sonorous Coulding failing. It has failed for me a
> few times (although I have NEVER been attacked my any lizard in CT :). I
> noticed (and posted) my success in Unrest a few days ago. My only
> failure was when a mob spawned right near me and immediately attacked.
> Then today I read a post from someone who was in CT and looking at the
> spawns in the Throne Room, they stated that 2 mobs walked in OR spawned
> and saw thru their invis.
> I know certain mobs can see invis, and that invis can fail, but neither
> I nor the poster got "you feel yourself starting to appear".
> It appears that sonorous clouding works on mobs that are in the zone
> when it pulses, but mobs who spawn and have not had a "dose" (pulse) of
> it can see thru it. Just ancedotal evidence so far, if anyone can add to
> this, please do so.