In my lambent quests on Prexus, I've bought most of my stones for 10 to 20pp
a piece (minus 1 I got personally off a SG in South Ro). On a few
occasions, I was about to close the sale when high level twinking their
sub-level 10 bard would sweep in and give an outrageous offer for 100pp
plus. I've always been of the opinion that if they want to pay that much,
then more power to them, but I'm not paying that much. I'm just hoping
those idiots will be around when all the bards I know have lambent and I'm
farming SG's... Of course if it is a bard asking for the stone off the SG I
just killed, when then I say give to him/her for free :-).
Taneran Dreamweaver
<Clan Jax>
Bard of the 30th song
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Roach [mailto:mike.roach@...]
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 9:35 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: [eqbards] Lambent Stones on E'ci
> From: Mike Roach <mike.roach@...>
> I have a problem with obtaining lambent stones.
> I'm running around NRo/Oasis/SRo regularly now and shouting out
> for lambent
> stones assuming people will be cool and just give them to the
> poor bard who
> needs them for his armor quest like most people do with all the
> rest of the
> no-drop quest components for all the other classes. I assumed wrong.
> This may be just on E'ci, but greedy people are seriously trying
> to cash in
> on lambent stones. I got a few answers to my requests for stones, but the
> cheapest anyone was willing to give me one for was 20pp with some morons
> saying they sell for 100-200pp each. I agree with others on this list who
> refuse to pay for the stones for various reasons. I have spent
> over 1000pp
> purchasing gemstones (sapphires, rubies, etc etc) and I am not
> going to hand
> some greedy bugger more.
> Soooo, I am now camping SG's in oasis every opportunity I can but
> I killed 4
> last night and did not find a single one. I am joining pickup groups for
> the purpose of giant hunting and I often have to convince my group members
> that they should let me loot a stone should we find one. I just don't get
> it.
> I still need about 7 lambent stones total for the rest of my
> armor and I am
> certainly not willing to pay another 200-1000pp to obtain them, I
> don't even
> have that kind of money anymore after buying the other components. But I
> have been looking for my next stone for 4 in-game days now and
> have killed 5
> giants and am still empty-handed.
> Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations apart from soloing in
> the Rathe mts and charming giants to kill each other?
> -Faras
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
> lol@... with the subject submissions.