At 11:57 AM 12/8/99 -0500, you wrote:
> > So, finally, Protective Skin - which I think is a "Rune-like" effect, will
> > in fact, absorb about half of the HP that your HP buff gives you.
> > Until we get a test, however, this is all up for grabs.
>Notice that Hymn is listed as 1, but obviously does more than
>1 point per tick. I would guess that Skin: 10 would be
>similar - either not related to hp, or modified by bard level.
Okay - this time, I compared it to the Rune line:
Rune I - Protective Skin 27-55
Rune II - Protective Skin 71-118
Niv's - Protective Skin 10
So, if someone will confirm how Rune works, it might indeed be a 10hp
absorption that refreshes every pulse, and affects the whole party.
Talies the Researcher