On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Randy Keith wrote:
> Why is it that people seem to have it in thier head that
> GM's and Guides must help you if you cannot get your
> corpse?
> The ONLY reason they assist in corpse retreival is if it
> is stuck in a wall. Or fallen through the world. Or lost
> due to a verifiable bug.
> If you fall in lava. It is YOUR responsibility to get it
> back. (Hope you made friends)
The area where the incident happened in Sol A is indeed
unrecoverable unless you are a bard or necro, or can trust one
to loot for you. The only way in is down a "lavafall" which
is high enough that you can't go back up. The only way out is
by gating or zoning to Sol B. Once you get in there with
levitate, there is no reachable land so you cannot drag your
corpse up to the surface. Since your corpse is in the lava,
you cannot target it to loot it unless you have a song/spell
to target the nearest corpse for you.
So if you aren't a bard/necro, the correct course of action
would indeed be to get a GM or guide to retrieve the corpse
for you. If you are a bard/necro, then you have a way to loot
your corpse so the GMs don't have to help you, which is what
the original poster was griping about.
Unless I'm remembering wrong and the /corpse command targets
the corpse for you...
John H. Kim