>Message: 17
> Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1999 13:13:36 -0600
> From: Talies the Wanderer <snicker@...>
>Subject: Re: Sometimes it's Hard to be a Bard
>At 08:52 AM 12/6/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Absolutely wonderful =)
>But - um.. what does the second-to-last stanza refer to?
I'm very sad to say I had the horrid luck to see
Upon the plain, through fog and rain, The Thing That Must Not Be.
To show their ire, the gods rained fire, and both of us were charred...
Apparently the gods could see the Thing but not the bard.
Hmmm on rereading it this morning it seems less clear than it did at 1am
last night. = P Basically, the point of this stanza was to show how bards
can be stricken by the wrath of the gods because they were standing too near
the gods' actual target. I'll look for a way to make this more clear.
Aloro Silvertongue (E'ci)